Statement Regarding Middletown Domestic Violence Homicide
Wednesday, June 10, 2020
The Connecticut Coalition Against Domestic Violence (CCADV) is deeply saddened to learn that a woman in Middletown was the apparent victim of an intimate partner homicide on Monday. Our thoughts and prayers go out to her family and friends.
Identified as a “domestic violence call” by law enforcement, this appears to be the first intimate partner homicide to occur in Connecticut during the COVID-19 pandemic. This is the third overall intimate partner homicide in 2020, all of which appear to have been stabbings. With the first two homicides this year occurring in January, this third homicide marks the longest period (137 days/4 months, 3 weeks) between intimate partner homicides in Connecticut since 2012 (123 days/4 months, 1 week). Connecticut has averaged just under 14 intimate partner homicides annually since 2000.
“We want everyone who may be experiencing abuse in their relationship to know that they are not alone,” said Karen Jarmoc, chief executive officer of CCADV. “Abusive, controlling behaviors can be subtle but escalate over time. Whether you have questions, need resources, or just want someone who will listen without judgement, our advocates are available 24/7.”
During the first two months of the COVID-19 pandemic, 66% of individuals who contacted Safe Connect, CT’s domestic violence resource hub, had never before reached out to a domestic violence service provider in Connecticut. Approximately 50% of those individuals contacting us express concerns related to COVID-19 including access to basic needs, rent/mortgage payments, food insecurity, and emotional well-being. CCADV, our 18 member organizations offering services across the state, and Safe Connect are all fully operational 24/7 and offering flexible, creative remote services to meet victims’ needs during COVID-19.
Call/Llamada or text/ texto 888.774.2900 or chat/email/correo electrónico at 24/7. Safe Connect provides extensive information, safety planning, case management, and a safe connection to CCADV’s 18 member organizations for ongoing support and services locally. All services provided through Safe Connect and CCADV’s 18 member organizations are confidential, safe, free, and voluntary. They are provided to all victims and survivors of domestic violence regardless of age, ability, gender identity, sexual identity, racial or ethnic identity, religion, socioeconomic status, immigration status. Family, friends, professionals or anyone who suspects that someone they know is experiencing domestic violence are also encouraged to access information and resources via Safe Connect.