Statement on Governor's Proposals Related to Domestic Violence

Monday, February 07, 2022


Meghan Scanlon, President & CEO of the Connecticut Coalition Against Domestic Violence (CCADV), today released the following statement regarding two elements of Governor Lamont’s announcements relating to gun safety measures: 1) that he would propose new legislation automatically disqualifying anyone who has been convicted of a family violence crime from holding a state gun permit, and 2) that his proposed budget will include $18 million to replace lost federal funding from the Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) and to provide other domestic violence services. Said Scanlon:

"We applaud Governor Lamont’s plans to take action this year to protect victims of domestic violence. Throughout the pandemic we have seen an increase in the complexity of issues facing survivors of domestic violence, and a growing need for funding and reforms aimed at helping and protecting them. Keeping guns out of the hands of individuals who have been convicted of family violence crimes is a commonsense measure that has been proven to save lives. Likewise, Connecticut’s ability to keep survivors safe was jeopardized by cuts to federal VOCA funding, and Governor Lamont’s move to temporarily fill the funding gap at the state level will help provide crisis response, court-based advocacy, coordination with law enforcement, and advocacy related to the basic needs of victims. While we will await the full details of the Governor’s proposals, we again applaud him for recognizing the need to help victims, and for putting these ideas front and center in his plans for legislative action in 2022.”

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