CCADV Statement Regarding Recent Domestic Violence Homicides

Monday, May 24, 2021

Glastonbury, CT – The discovery of Jessica Edwards’ body and arrest of her husband mark the third intimate partner homicide in Connecticut this month and fourth this year. This tragedy has occurred as we mark the second anniversary of the disappearance of Jennifer Dulos. Connecticut Coalition Against Domestic Violence (CCADV) and its 18 member organizations urge anyone who is concerned about their own safety or that of a loved one to reach out to Safe Connect to talk.

“We want victims to know that they’re not alone,” said Steven Eppler-Epstein, Interim CEO, CCADV. “Domestic violence is isolating, with abusers often using subtle control tactics that can escalate and become more physically violent with time. Certified domestic violence advocates available through Safe Connect and CCADV’s 18 member organizations across the state can help individuals explore different options for staying safe and increasing their independence.”

The pandemic has exacerbated some of the abuse being experienced by victims across the state. There has been a noticeable increase in the complex situations with which victims are dealing as they navigate their safety and that of their children with pandemic-related financial stressors such as unemployment, remote learning and limited childcare options. Some of CCADV’s 18 member organizations have also reported an increase in the intensity of physical violence experienced by some victims.

Of the four confirmed homicides that have occurred this year, all four victims were women, firearms were used in at least three of the homicides, and three of the victims were married while the fourth shared a child in common with her abuser. Children were present in at least two of the homicides.

Overall, between 2000 and 2019, there have been 281 intimate partner homicides, 86% of which involved female victims and 89% of which involved male offenders. Approximately 29% of those cases were murder/suicides. At 39%, firearms remain the single most commonly used weapon in an intimate partner violence homicide in Connecticut, with knives/sharp object the next most commonly used weapon at 33%. Connecticut has averaged 14 intimate partner homicides annually since 2000.

Anyone who feels unsafe in their relationship is urged to call/llamada or text/texto 888.774.2900 or chat/email/correo electrónico at Bilingual, multi-cultural staff are available 24/7. Safe Connect provides safety planning, extensive resources, and a safe connection to CCADV’s 18 member organizations for ongoing support and services locally. All services provided through Safe Connect and CCADV’s 18 member organizations are confidential, safe, free, and voluntary. They are provided to all victims and survivors of domestic violence regardless of age, ability, gender identity, sexual identity, racial or ethnic identity, religion, socioeconomic status, immigration status. Family, friends, professionals or anyone who suspects that someone they know is experiencing domestic violence are also encouraged to access information and resources via Safe Connect.

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