CCADV Statement Regarding Death of Bridgeport Mother

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Glastonbury, CT – The following statement is issued by Connecticut Coalition Against Domestic Violence (CCADV) chief executive officer, Meghan Scanlon:

“We are saddened by what appears to be another senseless death stemming from domestic violence and claiming the life of a young mother in Bridgeport. Last year in Connecticut, nineteen people (eighteen women and one man) were killed by their intimate partners.

Domestic violence isn’t always obvious. It’s the child that cries when voices are raised. It’s the woman who tells her friends, ‘he’s not that bad,’ or, ‘it was my fault.’ The fact is that domestic violence is a preventable public health crisis that impacts us all. It’s in all of our communities and we have all been affected by it either directly or indirectly. And we all have a responsibility to prevent and end this kind of violence in our communities by learning the warning signs, holding those around us accountable, and raising awareness about the free domestic violence services available in each community.

We urge anyone who is questioning their own relationship or that of a family member or friend to speak with an advocate. Safe, free, and confidential services are available across the state at CCADV’s 18 member organizations and accessible 24/7 through Safe Connect, Connecticut’s domestic violence information and resource line. You can call or text (888) 774-2900 or visit to chat or email with an advocate. No one has to navigate their safety alone.”

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