Domestic Violence Offender Program Standards

Holding offenders accountable while supporting their opportunity to change.

Established pursuant to Connecticut General Statutes 46b-38l, CCADV co-chairs the Domestic Violence Offender Program Subcommittee along with staff from the Judicial Branch Court Support Services Division. This subcommittee, housed within the Domestic Violence Criminal Justice Response and Enhancement Advisory Council, is charged with promulgating, reviewing and, as necessary, amending Offender Program standards.

Domestic violence, as a learned behavior, is supported by a system of beliefs and attitudes that requires a variety of approaches to prevent, reduce, and eliminate it.

Domestic violence offender programs must emphasize the accountability of individual perpetrators while educating them and teaching skills that support a non-violent lifestyle and promote healthy relationships. The program standards are intended to serve as a framework for new and existing program providers to develop and deliver services to people arrested for committing violence against a current or former intimate partner or people identified as needing services in order to prevent acts of domestic violence.






Becoming an approved provider.

The Domestic Violence Offender Program Subcommittee accepts applications from individuals or agencies that perform domestic violence intervention services in the community and wish to be included on a list to be used in adult criminal court proceedings. Only those individuals or agencies that are on the list can be utilized by defendants that are charged with a family violence offense as a part of resolving the pending criminal case. Each individual or agency will adhere to a formal Provider Agreement, which must be reviewed, signed and notarized.

The standards were revised in 2019 to also include a deviation consideration. The Subcommittee understands that some effective programs will have components that do not comport with the CT Domestic Violence Offender Program Standards. There is now a process which allows agencies or individuals to request consideration of their program despite this barrier. The Advisory Council will review each request for deviation on a case-by-case basis. The Advisory Council will review each request for deviation on a case by case basis. A deviation will not be granted if the proposal is in conflict with the Guiding Principles of the CT Domestic Violence Offender Program Standards.


Council disclaimer

The Domestic Violence Offender Program Standards Subcommittee or the State of Connecticut or any of its agencies, officers, employees or agents will not endorse, inspect or otherwise attest to the effectiveness and or quality of the services offered by an individual or agencies that are placed on this list of approved providers.

The Domestic Violence Offender Program Standards Subcommittee and/or the State of Connecticut will not provide funding for services. The Domestic Violence Offender Program Standards Subcommittee and/or the State of Connecticut is not responsible for any financial costs associated with being on the list, even if a party utilizes an individual or agency on the list as part of a formal court proceeding. Individuals/participants are responsible for all costs associated with the services.


Application submission instructions.


Respondents must submit the Provider Application and Provider Agreement to the Domestic Violence Offender Program Standards Subcommittee.

Interested individuals/agencies can submit the Provider Application and Provider Agreement at any time for consideration and placement on this list. The Subcommittee will review the submissions on an on-going basis. All responses will be in writing.

Written questions prior to the final submission date may be sent to the Co-Chairs of the Subcommittee electronically -

Joe DiTunno, Judicial Branch, Court Support Services Division. and Merit Lajoie, Office of the Victim Advocate.

Questions may also be sent to Subcommittee staff - 

Brittany Broberg, Criminal Legal Advocacy Manager, CCADV.


Mail your completed and notarized Provider Application and Provider Agreement to:

655 Winding Brook Drive, Suite 4050
Glastonbury, CT 06033
ATTN: DV Offender Program Standards Subcommittee