Our Mission Is For No Person to Live in Fear


Leading the change
We need to end domestic violence.


CCADV strives to change the systems that impact the lives of survivors. Whether it’s working with government agencies to create flexible policies that meet the needs of survivors, advocating with elected officials to strengthen state and federal laws, or launching training and public awareness initiatives to inform individuals and communities about the help we offer, we’re at the center of efforts to improve Connecticut’s response to domestic violence.


Grounded in our vision and mission, we have a dedicated Board of Directors, dozens of committed staff, and a strong network of 18 member organizations with over 400 advocates devoted to making life better for survivors.


Through innovative solutions grounded in the lived experiences of all survivors, we’re rising to the challenges presented during this unique time of monumental shifts across the state and nation. We continue to face the devastating effects of the pandemic, which hit low income and marginalized communities at an alarming rate. And, this country is still struggling to address a history of racial injustice and systems that produce inequity, oppression, and division.


It is with bold, ambitious action that we will end this public health crisis and move toward our goal of creating a world where no person lives in fear.


mission + vision 

These shared values motivate our team of change-makers eVERY DAY:

VISION: Connecticut Coalition Against Domestic Violence (CCADV) believes that domestic violence is a preventable public health crisis. We envision a world free from all forms of violence.

MISSION: CCADV is the voice against domestic violence across Connecticut. We lead a statewide network focused on advocacy, outreach and education. Our work transforms political, economic and social responses to end domestic violence in Connecticut.

Meet the people who make our work possible